Punta de la Mona, La Herradura, Granada, Spain
How do I make a reservation? We use Bookiply to make our bookings.
What is your cancellation policy? See the policy of the booking agent.
Is there a minimum stay requirement? Yes, please see details on booking agent.
Can I modify my reservation after booking?
Please contact us and we will try to help, subject to availability
What amenities are available in the villa? The villa has the usual facilities you would expect. See our Villa Details page for more details.
Is there air-conditioning and heating? Yes
Is Wi-Fi included? Yes
Are there kitchen appliances and utensils?
Yes. See our Villa Details page for more details.
What payment methods to you accept? Payment is via the booking agent.
Is there a security deposit, and how is it handled? Deposits are arranged through the booking agent.
Are there any additional fees, such as for cleaning or taxes?
The end of letting cleaning is an additional charge, as is any additional services arranged.
How do I access the villa upon arrival? We will contact you prior to your arrival with full details.
Can you provide directions from the nearest airport? Malaga or Granada are the nearest airports.
Is there on-site parking available? Yes, there is on street parking on the roads above and below the villa.
Are there any local airport transfers?
Yes, please contact us for further details.
Is there a contact person or property manager? Yes. Full details will be provided prior to arrival.
What is the emergency service number? In Spain the emergency number is 112.
Is the villa accessible for guests with mobility challenges? No. The villa is accessed by external steps from the road. You enter the villa at the living level, with the bedrooms and bathrooms on the other floors.
Do you provide accommodations for guests with specific needs or allergies?
We do not specifically provide for allergies, but if you contact us with any specific needs, we will try to help where we can.
Are pets allowed at the villa? No, sorry.
Is smoking permitted on the property?
Do you offer additional services, such as airport transfers or housekeeping during the stay?
These can be arranged, subject
availability. We would recommend prior booking.